Courtney Lewis specializes in the treatment of children. Courtney provides administrative and clinical direction, as well as, clinical supervision at Small Steps.  She treats clients through play therapy, infant mental health home visiting, Circle of Security Parenting Classes and Theraplay family treatment.  Much of her treatment has focused on traumatized children and poorly attached children. Courtney has earned credentials through the Association for Play Therapy as a Registered Play Therapist and is Endorsed as an Infant Mental Health Specialist.

Her goal is to help strengthen the mental health of children and families who live in New Mexico and the world.  Taking steps in this direction, Courtney has partnered a non-profit and is providing parenting education, infant mental health education and child mental health assessment and support to an orphanage and preschool in Haiti.

Courtney developed the Stepping Out Program to support the development of well trained child therapists in New Mexico.  The program was created to give therapists an opportunity to launch out on their own with the support of Small Steps administrative services and staff.  This allows therapists a smooth transition to fulfill their own dreams and also increases the number of child therapists capable of meeting the ever-growing mental health needs of children and their families in New Mexico.